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Short 6 minute excerpt of Mill Town


Conceived, Directed and Choreographed by Stephan Koplowitz

Music Composed, Arranged and Performed by Todd Reynolds

Visual/Media Installation Producer/Technical Designer: Shawn Hove

Videos Conceived and Directed by Stephan Koplowitz

Videography and Editing: Ellen Maynard

Costume Design: Melody Eggen

Lighting Design: Michael Reidy

Rehearsal Director: Julie Fox

Sound Designer: John Morrison

Production Manager: Hannah Miller

Production Intern: Jason Ross

Small Screen Installation, Construction: Greg Surman

Core Company Performers: Serena Chang, Leah Fournier, Nico Gonzales, Yuliya Romanskaya, Marion Spencer, Kristi Tornga, Madeline Warriner, Scott Wheet

Special thanks to the Core Company for important creative contributions to

the choreography.


Please refer to the full program for complete credits


Photo Galleries of each section of Mill Town

1-  SHIFT (prelude)                              ALL PHOTOS BY JONATHAN HSU AND S. KOPLOWITZ

Mill Town

a site-specific collection of media and performances


Commissioned by the Bates Dance Festival

Laura Faure, Artistic Director (Emeritus)

Site: Bates Mill Complex, Lewiston, Maine


Generous support for Mill Town has been provided by Platz Associates, the Onion Foundation, Sequoia Foundation, New Music USA, Norway Saving

Bank, L.L. Bean, Eagle Point Donor Fund, Office of the President at Bates College, Maple Way Dental Care and the Harward Center for Community

Partnerships at Bates College.


Performances: Thursday & Friday, August 3 & 4, 2017, 8PM

Mill Town is a promenade site-specific performance work in six sections that involved 47 performers, site based filmed media, and original music by Todd Reynolds. It premiered at the 2017 Bates Dance Festival and was the last commission of Laura Faure’s tenure as Artistic Director of the Festival.


The work featured a core company of professional dancers, an ensemble company of dancers from the Professional Program at the Festival, members of the Youth Arts Program from the Festival and community dancers from greater Lewiston/Auburn community.


Mill Town is divided into six sections and locations:

1. Shift (Prologue): Outer Courtyard

2. Work: Adjacent Courtyard

3. Water (Pass-Through Installation): First Floor Atrium

4. Loom: Second Floor Atrium

5. Prism (Media and Performance Installations): Third Floor Mill

6. Space (Finale): Fourth Floor Mill


excerpts from the installation films for Mill Town (8 mins)

2-  WORK


4-  LOOM


6-  SPACE (finale)

STILLS From Installation Videos- photos by SK

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